When to Purchase a Joint Supplement for Dogs
Most senior dogs can benefit from a joint supplement; however, knowing exactly when to start one can be difficult – and many pet owners wait until after signs of joint damage are observed. There are many factors to consider when determining when to purchase a joint supplement for dogs, such as age, breed, activity level, and injury history. For instance, large dogs, like Great Danes, experience more wear and tear on their joints by the time they reach 8 years of age than smaller breeds. Understanding your dog’s risk factors for arthritis and other joint diseases, as well as when to begin supplementation, can save your pet from unnecessary pain later in life.
Signs Your Pet Needs a Joint Supplement for Dogs
Most pet owners wait to provide joint supplements until their pets begin showing symptoms of pain, such as limping, difficulty rising from rest, or refusal to jump/exercise. However, since dogs are reluctant to show pain, chances are that your pet could have benefitted from a joint supplement long before these signs were observed. Listed below are times when you should consider starting a joint supplement for dogs based on different scenarios.
When to Start a Joint Supplement for Dogs
Conventional wisdom states that a joint supplement for dogs should be provided when arthritis symptoms appear. However, there are many factors that affect arthritis and joint pain. Every dog is unique and should be treated as such. Your dog may benefit from starting a joint supplement before symptoms arise in the following scenarios:
Your Dog Suffered a Serious Injury
If your dog suffers an impact injury to a joint, particularly one that requires surgery, arthritis later in life is likely. Starting a joint supplement for dogs during the rehabilitation process can help maintain your dog’s joint health, reduce joint inflammation, and help prevent additional pain down the road.
Your Dog is a High-Risk Breed
Certain dogs have greater risk of developing joint pain than others. For instance, German Shepherds, Mastiffs, French Bulldogs, and Golden Retrievers are among the most likely to develop hip dysplasia. If your purebred dog is a high risk breed and does not have certifications from the Orthopedic Foundation for Animals, starting a joint supplement at least a year before your pet reaches senior-status (8 years of age for most breeds) is recommended.
Your Dog Has a Chronic Illness
Dogs with chronic illness experience more daily inflammation than the average pet. Oftentimes, inflammation can settle into joints, which causes symptoms that mimic arthritis. If your dog is diagnosed with a chronic illness and has elevated cortisol levels, starting your pet on a joint supplement may decrease joint pain.
Your Dog is a Giant Breed
Large breed dogs such as Great Danes, Mastiffs, and St Bernards experience extra wear and tear on their joints than other breeds. Giant breed dogs also have shorter life expectancies, so starting them on a supplement near the age of 8 is likely too late to prevent further joint damage. Giant breeds may benefit from starting joint supplements between the ages of 4 and 6.
Your Dog is a Giant Breed
Large breed dogs such as Great Danes, Mastiffs, and St Bernards experience extra wear and tear on their joints than other breeds. Giant breed dogs also have shorter life expectancies, so starting them on a supplement near the age of 8 is likely too late to prevent further joint damage. Giant breeds may benefit from starting joint supplements between the ages of 4 and 6.
Your Dog Is a Working/Sport Dog
Working dogs and those that actively participate in sports and competitions, such as Agility, tend to experience more damage to their joints than sedentary pets. For these working dogs, a joint supplement throughout their lives can be beneficial for maintaining strength and mobility while reducing inflammation caused by daily wear and tear.
Why WINPRO Mobility is a Top Joint Supplement for Dogs
What is a supplement you can give your dog regardless of age, breed, pre-existing condition, prescribed medications, or activity level? WINPRO Mobility is the perfect joint supplement for dogs because it is fast-acting, effective, and can be safely given to your pet its entire life.
WINPRO Mobility is comprised of animal blood proteins, which naturally have strong anti-inflammatory properties. Unique to animal blood proteins is the ability to go straight to the source of inflammation, including difficult-to-reach areas like the gut or joints. Balanced collagen, an additional active ingredient in WINPRO Mobility, helps restore connective tissue for strength and flexibility.
Contrary to popular belief, joint supplements are not “just” for senior dogs. Utilizing an inflammation-fighting supplement at all life stages, particularly in these scenarios, is important because the underlying cause of joint pain is not always arthritis and may be fully treatable/preventable. In fact, many dogs that are showing signs of arthritis may not be suffering from arthritis at all – just inflammation that has painfully settled into joints which can be cleared with the power of animal blood proteins to restore your dog’s health.
WINPRO MOBILITY contains a blend of clinically proven animal blood proteins and other key ingredients to support normal canine joint function and help dogs maintain mobility especially during times of increased activity and stress. WINPRO MOBILITY helps maintain normal joint function, lateral motion, and flexibility in dogs.
- Helps dogs suffering from stiffness and soreness
- Helps promote normal joint comfort and movability
- Helps improve joint comfort and movability
- Blood protein studies show benefits in stride and range of motion
- Created specially for dogs
- Produced in the USA